
Dreamer to Doer: My journey to becoming a makeup artist

When you grow up, what do you want to be?

As children, we make up stories about what we want to do when we grow up. Mine involved being a makeup artist, a veterinarian, or a designer, or even all three!

As a teenager, I attended a design school, but something wasn't right. Painting and creating garments, I realized, was not my passion.
Growing up, I had no desire to be a veterinarian. Even just thinking about how a body's insides would work is nauseating.

Only one of my childhood dreams remained – MAKEUP

However, I had no idea where you could "study" makeup, or if you could study it at all! Makeup courses weren’t as common as they are today. I was just a young girl with vivid, unconventional dreams, in a small Scandinavian country, in a smaller city, wondering how to become a makeup artist.

My desire to learn makeup from childhood led me to search deliberately until I found something substantial. I got into the first beauty school in the country, leaving me on cloud nine.

Do you know the thrill and satisfaction of knowing you're exactly where you belong when you discover your calling? I felt that. I realised this was my path to happiness.

I wish to tell the seven-year-old me then and you, dear readers now, that you can, and will, become whatever you want, whoever you want. You may not know where to begin now, but every step will bring you closer to your goal. For over a decade, I have been working with makeup and each day, I am still captivated by it. I'm eager to share my ideas, insights and techniques that even many of the renowned makeup schools in Dubai don't cover. Each stroke has taught me something special, which I am excited to pass on with my readers here and students at L'amour.

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Note: Students must be at least 18 years of age to apply for any of the mentioned courses on this site.